Wear the clothes of a farmer for a day: at the Alpe Federia you can brings the animals to pasture, help to prepare the cheeses and butter, and sleep on the Mountain Farm after a delicious typical dinner.

For a truly unique stay, Livigno invites each guest to discover the traditions of the past and to relive the Livigno history among the most ancient and fascinating places of Little Tibet.
Although it is a destination known above all for its active and sport offer, are infinite the natural beauties that make Livigno special. Is not only wellness, nature and sport, but the history and culture of Livigno enrich the stay of every visitor.
Over the decades Livigno has been able to invest in modernity while keeping its environmental, natural and architectural characteristics intact, developing according to local culture and traditions: this is what makes Little Tibet not only a paradise for those who love contact holidays with nature, sport, shopping and relaxation, but also for those who want to immerse themselves in the traditions and history of a place to be discovered.
Among the many proposals from the rich Livigno offer, not to be missed is "Farmer for a Day", a fantastic experience to live the life of the farmer just as it once was, in a typical "malga" where the cattle are brought during the summer season.
The experience allows you to live every moment of peasant life: it all begins in the afternoon when, after reaching the Malga Federia by mountain bike, on foot or with the shuttle service, the participants can try their hand at milking and sheltering animals in the stable flanked by a real farmer and his family, to then dine with them in the malga tasting the typical dishes and savoring the tradition of the past. The next morning, after the alarm clock at dawn, the participants will bring the animals to pasture, followed by the farmer's breakfast; the day will end with the return to the valley, surrounded by the beauty of the Federia Valley.
In addition to the "Farmer for a Day", at the Malga Federia, open every day both for lunch and for a suggestive overnight stay, every Tuesday from 7 July to 15 September a typical dinner is organized whose protagonists are genuine ingredients cooked according to tradition. Before dinner, guests can visit the hut and watch the milk processing, and then continue the evening of fun with live music and entertainment games.

Even those who choose to reach the Alpe Mine can rediscover the Livigno tradition: every Friday, until September 4, after a pleasant stop at the Cheséira to attend the milking of the cows and the processing of the cheese, a typical dinner will be served at the malga the products at km0 and following a suggestive outdoor bonfire will warm the whole evening.

Who is looking for an even closer contact with the animals, will be pleased to visit the ancient Malga Vago: here, in addition to experiencing the art of milking, from Monday to Thursday until 7 September, guests will have the opportunity to feed the calves with milk and baby bottles. Furthermore, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after milking and visiting the dairy, you can savor the Livignasca tradition by enjoying breakfast with the products of "Tast", the project created by the Association of Chefs and Pastry Chefs of Livigno to get to know the flavors and the most authentic products of the Livigno tradition.

To fully experience the culinary tradition of Little Tibet, you cannot finally give up a morning dedicated to the discovery of milk: every Tuesday, we start with a special visit to the Mus!, the Museum of Livigno and Trepalle, where ancient are kept objects related to the processing of milk and its derivatives. After delving into the history of milk as the cornerstone of an agricultural economy that still survives in Little Tibet, the morning continues with a visit to the Latteria, our Dairy, where you can closely see the dairy production and the most innovative machinery and taste the local dairy products.

To book the Farmer's Day and the various activities, know all the details and consult the entire offer of Little Tibet: livigno.eu/en/farmer-for-a-day